Through Baylor Round Table, Baylor women come together to create the connections for friendship and support, to offer avenues of service to the Baylor and Waco communities, and to provide opportunties for shared cultural, social, and education experiences. Open to both employees and spouses of employees, members participate as time permits by attending events, participating in a variety of interest groups, serving on committees, or simply offering their unique talents and perspectives. Join us in your Baylor journey as together we build community and establish friendships while enjoying Baylor's rich Christian heritage and tradition of "paying if forward" to the University's students through the Round Table scholarship, hosting the annual International Dinner, and offering apparel design seniors the chance to showcase their creations in a runway style show. The Endowed Baylor Round Table Scholarship, awarded annually, provides an opportunity to make a difference in a Baylor student's educational experience and future. Scholarship contributions, which can be made as tributes, memorials, and/or special gifts, are an investment that touches the future "as long as stars shall shine." Enjoy Baylor Round Table...Join today to engage fully in University life, enhance the lives of others, and enrich your own life journey!
Membership Dues
Scholarship Fund Donations