E.K. Bailey Preaching Celebration

E.K. Bailey Preaching Celebration

About Dr. E.K. Bailey
Dr. E.K. Bailey (1945-2003) was the founder of the Concord Missionary Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas and President and Founder of E. K. Bailey Ministries, Inc. While obeying the call of God in his life, Dr. Bailey received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion from Bishop College, Dallas, Texas in 1969 and his Doctor of Ministry Degree from United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, in 1991. His educational accomplishments also included graduate studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas. His service began at Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas in 1969. Later in June 1975, God led Dr. Bailey and over 200 charter members to establish Concord Missionary Baptist Church. During his twenty-eight years as Senior Pastor, the church membership grew to approximately 4000 members, and his visionary leadership guided Concord toward excellence in all areas of ministry. Among other influences, he founded the E. K. Bailey International Conference on Expository Preaching, which continues as a major international force in preaching. Dr. Bailey will always be remembered as a loving husband, father, pastor, teacher, powerful preacher, mentor, and model to many and as a sincere friend.

    • Your donation to Truett Seminary's E. K. Bailey Annual Preaching Celebration invests in strategic gatherings of area black churches, bestows honor on our annual award recipient, and preserves the life and legacy of Dr. Bailey for the next generation. Thank you!

      Note: Churches that would like to participate in the annual celebration dinner through sponsoring tables are encouraged to donate $200 per table.