Department of Mathematics

About the Department

The Department of Mathematics has much to offer to both students and prospective faculty.

With excellent facilities housed in the newly renovated and centrally located Sid Richardson building, the department has a faculty and staff dedicated to helping our students. Our faculty (22 tenured or tenure-track, 10 lecturers) pride themselves with their 'easy access' attitude when helping students. We offer a wide variety of courses leading to a B.S. degree in mathematics, a B.S. degree in applied mathematics, and a B.A. degree in mathematics.

Math Department

The department also has a growing graduate program leading to the Master of Science degree and to the Doctor of Philosophy degree. We currently have 36 graduate students studying in the department with faculty members working on state-of-the-art research problems. We encourage visitors to our web pages to check out the research interests of our faculty by perusing their individual web pages.