Department of Anthropology

About Us

We began as a Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Gerontology and Social Work in 1990. Much has changed since, as our faculty now includes seven tenured/tenure-track professors, three senior lecturers, and several temporary lecturers. We are a group of physical and social scientists collectively in agreement with the American Association for the Advancement of Science's Statement on the Teaching of Evolution, and the American Anthropological Association's Statement on Evolution and Creationism. We support Pope Francis' view that acceptance of the Big Bang theory and Evolution does not contradict belief in a higher spiritual power. We accept (and teach) the roles that biological evolution has had in shaping our species.

We also accept the American Association of Physical Anthropologists' Code of Ethics and the American Association of University Professors' Sexual Harassment Policy. We pledge to respect each other, our students, and the people, animals, and places we study.

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